Empowering young athletes and master’s players alike

Dan Mirecki looking after Hockeyroos Goalkeeper in 2019, Rachael Lynch

Dan Mirecki looking after Hockeyroos Goalkeeper in 2019, Rachael Lynch

Both physiotherapists have a special interest in working with athletes at opposite ends of the spectrum—young elite players and Master’s athletes. For younger athletes, Dan and Sophie understand the importance of careful management during critical developmental years. “You can’t rush recovery with young athletes,” says Sophie.

“The pressures of competition are high, but if you don’t take the time to let the body heal properly, you risk long-term damage. Our role is to help young athletes understand the importance of recovery and give them the tools to protect their bodies as they progress in their careers.”

On the other hand, Master’s athletes have different challenges. “Master’s hockey players are amazing,” Dan shares. “They’re incredibly passionate about the sport, but the body doesn’t recover quite like it did in their 20s. Working with them is all about longevity—helping them stay fit, manage the inevitable wear and tear, and keep them on the field as long as possible.”


The power of collaboration


Specialised care for hockey-specific injuries